Saturday, December 27, 2008

Lots of fog in Toronto cant see more than 90 feet

The weather in Canada leaves (I think I'm spelling this wrong) a lot to be desired. But in all things there are advantages and disadvantages.

I have a secret love of shoveling show. So much so that when I wake up and see that it snowed I cannot wait to get outside.

The wierd thing is I attack the job of clearing my drive way like all projects I work on. Methodically.

  1. First I clear a section down the middle.
  2. Then I shove the snow in each direction. Pushing it close to the edge of the drive way
  3. then I lift and throw each side
If I miss any snow at all I just have to go back. Finaly I salt it all.

Yes a little obsessive.

Kinda cool how I can find anyone I know online. The family we ate dinner with each night on the Disney cruise was from California. Really nice. Each night our conversations would keep us there until the restaurant was closing. I lost the Peter's email address. So I searched online based on a few criteria. Name, location and profession. 10 seconds later found his profile on his company site. Also kinda creepy that our personal info is so available.

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