Thursday, February 05, 2009

Never Give Up

A South Korean grandmother has failed her written driving test 771 times. Now thats dedication.

Here is the BBC article.

You know. There are some Wedding photographers in Toronto that take over 1200 photos at a wedding?

Lets do the math...

Start time Groom --- 10am
Finish Time Hall --- 12am

Total Hours - 14

1200 photo / 14 hours

Subtract - Driving time from Groom to Bride, Bride to Church, Church to Park, Park to Hall

Lets be generous - 1.5 hours

Subtract - standing around time - dinner, part of church, waiting for bride when she is in the bathroom, etc

Again Lets be generous - 1 hour.

So we are down to 12.5 hour / 1200 photos = 0.625 - Thats about a photo every 45 seconds.

How much time and care is going into the photos?


Found this on a Humour Site. Not my photo!!! I have to write that for several reasons.

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