Friday, March 10, 2006

Fun time Sushi in Boca Raton

So we went to the beach. Life is good.

Then we went to sushi - a place we ways go because its amazing.

This is the bad part.

Isaac took a dump. Ok 2 year old do this every day. But this time. Oh the fun.

Ah aha ah so much s**t. Wet s**t

Took 22 minutes to clean him. In the process there was s**t all over the bathroom sink, s**t on the mirror, floor even a huge skid mark down my s**t (I mean shirt) See above

Meanwhile other customers keep trying to come in. And sammys passing me toliet paper. But he has undone the entire roll, so there is toliet paper all over the floor.
Then marianna comes in.

"What's taking so long?"

Wow I love vacations. Posted by Picasa

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