Monday, February 26, 2007

I hate socks.

Why is it that whenever I'm in a hurry I can't find a pair of socks? I remember as a teenager saying to myself - screw it. "I'll where a blue one on my left and purple one on the right"

Of course,all the kids made fun of me untill I threaten to punch them in the nose. (I was a tough guy in grade 8, not a bully but tough)

I've decided to invent a way that all sock in my collection of 5000 singles can match on their own.

Here goes.

Step One.

I will implant each individual sock with a small waterproof RFID chip. click here for more info in RFID

Step Two

Using a RFID scanner each sock will pass by on a conveyer belt and make differnt sounds. When I get the same sound - wammo - I have a pair.

cool huh?

Or maybe I'll by 500 pairs of black sock and throw all the old ones out. Might be simpler.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

What's it like?

I recently was in a waiting room and couldn't help overhearing this Man and Women discussing their evening plans. He said that when he gets home he would make dinner and they could watch American Idol together. It was a Tuesday or Wednesday night I can;t remember. It got me thinking. When was the last time I sat down with Marianna and watched TV.

BooHoo for me.

I just dont have a normal life. Its not just the hours. I have grown to have completely different expectations and wants. If I need something, I immediate go to the internet and learn all about it, I then check on Ebay for the used price, then I go buy it either on Ebay or the next best thing.

Me and the kids spend about 3-4 hours a day together and on some days as much as 5. At first, Marianna tried to convince me that that's too little but I spoke to a few of my friends and by the time they get home from work it 7pm and the kids are getting ready for bed. Of course, they have the weekends off and I work almost every Saturday and a lot of Sundays.

So it works out that when I add up the hours I spend a week with Sammy and Isaac vs the typical working Dad if looks like this.

Last week - Jean - 19.75 hours
Executive Friend - 7 hours

So I guess missing the pleasure of American Idol is worth it. Of course if there was roomn on my Video recorder I could record it. Marianna has completely filled the 450 hours available with Y and R and Bold and the Beautiful re runs.

Seriously once you watch that crap why do you still need it?

Ok so I'm a sap. I was watching Arthur and the Invisibles and started to tear up. Ever since I can remember movies, books have an effect on me. Marianna just shakes her head when she sees it, but I secret think she likes it. I read alot. By monthly book budjet is around $80. So if you see me reading a book in a resturant, tears flowing down my cheeks pass my a napkin. heheheheheh

Thursday, February 22, 2007

My baby is sick!! Not the kids - My jag. :(

Wow what a day. I don't want this to be a whine session so I'll just leave it with a big ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

The studio was hopping all day - I even forgot that I was supposed to meet Marianna for lunch until she called looking for me. We have a huge project due tomorrow, so it looks like I got another all nighter. So if your in the neighbourhood and frequent a certain high end coffee house - I take my coffee black.

We have 2 new people starting on the 27th, Alisha and Dimitra. Big hi to them. Remember all, if you need to make an appointment call Marianna. She is the schedule master not me.

Upcoming events.

- were back in Florida in less than a month. Expect to see a new website - in March

- We also will be debuting - check out the forum and start posting !!

- all of you who have shot their engagement photo session but not met with Marianna --- PLease give her a call to see her asap.

- I'm going back on a diet. ya ya I know. sad

Monday, February 19, 2007

Need a routine.

I've been just behind the ball lately (What the hell does that mean anyways?) I guess it means that I have commitments and I've slowly gotten further and further behind until I find myself at the studio at 2:34 am on a Sunday night like last night.

But its almost over!! Just have 3 things on my Freak out ( I know Irene and Catherine!!! Today ) list and I can go back to working only 18.5 hours a day.

We say goodbye to Yuri for the next 5 months. He's gone back to Israel, but he'll be back in September. Welcome to Dimitra.

Less than a month and were back to Florida. Can't wait.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Its the winter time --- makes me wish for summer

Everyday I think of new things to add to my blog. Like right now I'm typing without looking at my fingers. Its kinda cool that I can do this since I fail typing in grade 10. My point is throughout the day I'm always coming up with new things to share on my blog but I usually forget them when I get the chance to sit down and type.


Here are a few things that I have wanted to mention on my blog but couldnt (you figure out why soon)

Here are 5 things that happen regularly at weddings that could ruin your day

1. The hairdresser is late or takes the bride last. Seriously. This happens at least 3 out of 10 weddings. Its rediculous. Me and the videographer sit on the couch (plastic if its an Italian wedding)and get bored.

2. Someone important gets lost. I cannot tell you how many times one of the parents didnt make it to the park because they were lost. And why have a cell phone if its off?

3. Weddings are about fun. Drinking is part of that but 10 shots at the receiving line is silly. You know if you put the alcoholic at the shot station he's going to get drunk so why get pissy when he pukes all over the hall?

4. OK so you hate your cousin. So what? Is your wedding the appropriate place to let everyone know. Putting them in there place in front of everyone? Or better yet telling me not to shoot a photo with them when everyone else had a shot. Look the photos are digital - just delete after.

5.Here's a cool one. The photographer and videographer are there to capture your memories. If you are super nice to us we will bend over backwards to make your day even more special. If you are rude - expect us to be polite but curt.

Most weddings are perfect. Really - its just that sometimes people get extra stressed and don't behave as they would everyday.

Rule of thumb. Treat people like you would like to be treated.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Yike forgot to send receipts

Guys don't blame Marianna I forgot send out the January payment receipts. They will go out this week.

Had a cool dream last night.

Aliens and North Korea teamed up. The aliens used their advanced technology with North Korean soldiers and they took over the US. It was like a scene out of that movie with Patrick Swayze before he did the uncool dancing movie.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

FFFFinnngggerrrs aarrrrre ccccccccccooold.

Spent part of today shooting at Queens Quay down by the lake. So much for global warming froze my butt off. But it sure was fun to get out shooting again. I'll post the photos on Monday.

I got to spend sometime at my Starbucks there and wrote out my Freak out list. I have so many project going on that I'm trying to juggle them and keep everyone happy. So if you are one of the people I'm doing work for - no worries!! We working on it.

Here are a few things you should be able to see this month.

- way more videos in the DGVideo theatre
- a bunch of wedding slideshows will go up from the fall
- at least 2 new websites for DG Group - and
- I'm going to make a brand new resentation for the frint page of the site, using 2006 shoots. I;m exicited because the work was incredible last year.

ahhh going back to StarBucks for a latte. Its sunday night. :)

Friday, February 09, 2007

New Ad for THM

Welcome to

We transfer

At we are in the business of saving your precious memories before they fade away forever. Using the latest professional digital broadcast cameras and the best in telecine transfering technics we are saving peoples old 8mm, 16mm, Super 8 VHS Betamax, and Hi8 tapes by converting them to DVD and MiniDV. Our DIRECT TO DIGITAL transfer method is sure to blow you away.

How better to remember your memories forever than to convert all your 8mm, 16mm ,Super 8 films, VHS tapes, 8mm tapes, VHSc SVHS and Digital8 to DVD?

Imagine, sitting down in your living room or den and spending some fun times with everyone simply by slipping in a DVD and pressing PLAY! Or fast forwarding through your footage using the menu systems included on every DVD we encode.

Get high quality video production for your commercial or for your training and sales materials by having DGVideo (parent company of produce for you.)

DGVideo gets your products and ideas on the screen, and then distributes it to as many people as possible using the latest in media distribution technologies.

Contact us: Tel: 416 840 6623 | Toll Free: 888 705 6380


Thursday, February 08, 2007

Russian food yaaaa

So last night I had my first evening off on 2007. Wow. Marianna neatly arranged that we go to this new russian restaurant called Odessa. For those of you who are not Russian,

Odessa, Ukraine has always shown more color, spunk, and irreverence than other cities in the former Soviet Union. There's an excitement, an anything-is-possible feeling in the streets. The city has a reputation for its irreverent humor that is flaunt each April 1st with Odessa's most famous holiday, "humor day".

Odessa is referred to as the "Pearl of the Black Sea" is the 3rd largest city in Ukraine, the largest city along the Black Sea, and the most important city of Ukraine for trade. Odessa's mild climate, warm waters and sunlit beaches attract hundreds of thousands of people year around. Its shady lanes, beautiful lightly pastel buildings and cozy squares impart to the city a certain air of intimacy.

Anyhow, this restaurant was far from the Pearl of the Black Sea. We got there at 6 and were to sit down with 4 other couples. The thing about Russian people is time is sort of not relevant in most cases. Lets meet a 6 could mean lets meet at 6:15 or 6:30 - By the time everyone argued over what to order it was 6:45 and I'm starving. We were the only people with kids so I had the pleasure of chasing after Isaac and Sammy for the first hour.

The place was nice. They had a violinist that came in and played Russian and Jewish songs throughout dinner. The salads finally made to us at 7:30 and dinner at 8:15. My Beef Stroganoff was cold and bland and terrible,the restaurant was too cold then too hot and the waitresses were rude. All in all I took off with Isaac and went to winners to buy him and Sammy some books. $70 bucks down the drain. I would have prefered a night in and ordering Swiss Chalet.

I almost took off to my favorite all night restaurant Big Mouth Key at 11:30 last night but talked myself out of it, thinking a) I need to stop eating late and lose weight and b) Wouldn't it be nice to get more than 5 hours sleep.

If you want to try some great Russian food cheap and quick go to a place called Kabachok - Its located just east of Keele on Steeles. The corn of Petrolia and Steeles. Try the chicken shish kabob.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Welcome Aaron!!

We have a new co op student. He's my shadow today, hope he can keep up. After yesterday I was a little worried that he wouldn't come back. The office here is very fast paced at 11 am there were 8 people running around in all directions, couples coming in - customers.


So far so good. (Im writing that part for his mom that reads the blog - your son is a joy).

We are out of here in less than a month, back to Florida. If you have an order its still going to be done while we are away slaving away on the beach.

Actually- I'm going to look for office space for our newest ventures and

Friday, February 02, 2007

Wow what a week. We booked 8 weddings.

I love this time of year because I get to meet so many new interesting people. The conversations start out about photography and wedding days but invaribly end up as discussions on life.

Yep only 3 spots left. I usually wait unil March to start posting the next years turn away list but here is a scoop. We only have 4 wedding dates available for May 2008.

This global waming stuff is starting to freak me out. I've never been a person that followed the green party or greenpeace but I'm starting to get interested. Maybe a few minutes today on the greenpeace site could help you learn about the world we live in.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

I've been punk'd

Turns out that the video of the bride freaking out is a scam.

Bridezilla's real name is Jodi Behan, age 22 and an aspiring actress. She and her pals sure raised a ruckus, especially after yesterday's Toronto Star story on the mystery video of a Canuck bridal meltdown playing on YouTube. The story helped drive up already sky-high views of the video by more than 300,000, making its 2.1 million views a genuine Canadian hit.

Read the full story below