Thursday, June 28, 2007

Google people are not the best looking group

Programmers in general are not the "Jocks" of the high school. Today I'm at a seminar for Google. We advertise and with Google. In fact, I probably spend more on advertising with Google then rent for the studio.

Sooooo, I'm here at the Hilton Hotel downtown, (seriously how can people drive the dvp everyday without killing themselves is a miricle) Its 8am and the people around me dont look pretty.

That's one of the advantages of shooting weddings. People always look their best.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Can't wait to sleep

Dont tell Marianna she's going to kill me. I bought a pillow today for over $200.00. OK I know she reads the blog and will figure it out, but until then its our little secret. heheheh.

I've been so busy since I returned from Florida. We are shooting 2-3 weddings everyweek.

Few things people should know. If you have an appointment and are going to be late - call. We're regular people, understand that I set aside a certain amount of time for you. If you are 30 minutes late, I just lost 30 minutes of my day, and usually it will be made up from the time remaining. If I know even a few minute before I can contact the next person and delay them. (Sorry if I sound like a grouch, I only want everyone to be happy)

The ComfortPillow by Tempur-Pedic™

Snuggle up with “The ComfortPillow by Tempur-Pedic” – our most flexible pillow design. Filled with TEMPUR® micro cushions that move in any direction to provide body-moulding support. It’s easily shaped to suit your needs, while still providing the same medically proven pressure-relief you’ve come to expect from Tempur-Pedic®.

Size (inches)

Size (cm)

25" x 19" 64 x 48

The ComfortPillow by Tempur-Pedic” features a 3-Year Warranty.

Friday, June 22, 2007

This is pretty cool

New feature from google. I get to have a slideshow of all my recent photos on my blog.
As Borat would say:

Is nice?

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Damn I'm crying again - maybe its menopause

Check out the video. It made me cry like a baby. Isaac came into the room and said. Don't cry papa.


I remember my first time on stage. It was 1997 and I was competing for individual provincials for ODCA.

Anyhow, noone in my division had even qualified for a few years You need to score at least a 70). Everyone in my group tried to tell me I was wasting my time trying but I was stubborn. So I practice and practice - Minuet in G Mozart.

So I went on stage and there was about 200-300 people, about 50 of my friends. I was freaking out nervous right up to the point where the stage manager said your up. At that moment I said to myself - screw it. What the worst that can happen. Just do it.

Got an 88.

That qualified me for the finals competition and two other people behind me (way behind, I think the next person scored a 72). I vaguely remember vodka, a few girls and a yellow school bus before night finals.

I won gold with a 92.

Don;t have any photos. but Ill look.

Ya ya I know - I never calll, write Im too busy.

Since I returned from Florida its been incredible. Weddings each weekend, is picking up, is chugging away and the kids are growing like weeds.

I've put up at least a dozen new slideshow in the past few days and there will be a bunch more coming soon.

Just a tip - If you are supposed to have a slideshow up and you go to the page and the link is not there - hit F5 before emailing me. TO make a long story short, your computer save eachpage from the web on your computer that you visit. This way when you return it doesnt have to reload the page. Sometimes you need to refresh the information. Thats what F5 does. nice huh.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Image me running around a wedding with this camera

The Seitz 160-Megapixel D3 Digital Camera

Although Photokina is long over, at least for another two years, we had to mention just one more camera that caught everyone's eye: the Seitz D3 6x17 160-megapixel digital camera. This camera easily has the highest resolution capability of any device we have seen. In RAW mode, each 160-megapixel image takes up about 307 MB of storage space. Despite the camera's power, it is also surprisingly fast, capable of taking those 160-megapixel photos in just one second, and a maximum exposure speed of 1/20,000 second. Another very impressive feature is the camera's ISO range, which is an unheard of 500 to 10,000. No wonder the camera is said to work in almost any light condition. The Seitz D3 should be available in January 2006 for 28,900 Euros, or about $36,500.

Very cool

Monday, June 04, 2007

This is why I work so hard.

Its midnight and I'm sitting at a table right by the water in Boca Raton, Florida. We're staying at one of the most beautiful resorts I have ever been to. All I can think of is how

freaking cool it would be to shoot a wedding here. At least 100 places to take incredible photos. To put that into perspective U of T has about 5 great spots and a bunch of good

spots. The Boca Resort has over 100 incredible places and I haven't seen the whole property.

Any how. I'm sitting outside by the pool and there is no one here but me. On my right is the inter coastal waterway with million dollar houses and condo on the other side of the

bay. Their light twinkling in the water. Its about 85 degrees (28 cel) and I got my feet up as I listen to Ravi Shanker. In my left is this incredible pool all lite up like in

the movies. Cabanas all around the pool. In front is the Tower and just to the right is 4 huge boats. More like ships, I saw that we can charter them for 1000 bucks for the day.

There worth a couple mil each boat.

I can help but dream here.

You see Boca Raton, is one of the wealthiest cities in the USA. I've seen 12 Bentley and Roll Royces - Today! You can't help but start to think, what do these guys got that I

don't. So my reflection has me confident that I'm on the right track. DesignerGeek is slowing down, but thats fine since the market for sites is not profitable as it once was. is increases each month, as is Objective Eye video has disappointed as has DGVideo but thats because of me not dedicating enough

time to them. Excellence is wonderful!! Well, except for 10 videos that just have to get out the door!! We are hiring another editor to help Vitali, Andrei and Alex.

I'm reading an amazing new book called Gettting Things Done - GTD by David Allen. It's inspired me to change the way I have organized by life. I can't tell you how many times

I've been told - wow you look stressed. People usually say whats on their mind so I have to believe them.

Anyhow, after spending the day at the beach with Marianna and kids I'm spent. Try to upload some photos tomorrow.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Today's the day

Leaving to the airport in 15 minutes.

We've traveled so many times, but I still get excited going to the airport. In the old days, would go through the BS of driving to aiport, drop off Marianna and the kids, go to Park and Fly then take their bus back to airport.

Now I met this really noce driver named Payam. We call a few days in advance and he picks us up at the door. I like him cause he's cool. He will have spent the whole night partying, and will still show up 15 minutes early. I like knowing no matter what I can count on him.

How many people do you know that you are 100% sure that you can count on?

Besides me?