Friday, June 30, 2006

What is quality?

Strange question huh?

When Marianna and I first started as photographers we spoke to camera stores, attended conferences, had long discussions with my father in law (also a professional photographer), basically we talked to anyone and everyone in the professional photography industry.

The problem was centred on the difference between 35mm film and medium format 120 film. Did negative size matter etc. As we figured out what was the best technical quality, we then changes our quality question to the best quality image. In the end, it was determined that lighting was the next logical step.

Look at these 2 images.

The bride getting into the limo is one of those hit and miss photos. But it has way more going for it then the bride and groom walking out of the church. Would the first shot end of in the album over the second shot? Not likely. But as far as lighting quality the 1st shot is far superior.

Let me explain.

When we shoot we need light. The outdoor shot (Left) has ambient light ( the light around us, mix of sun and shade and bounced light from everywhere. It also has fill flash ( the light from the flash that fills in the shadows under the eyes) and lastly and most importantly we have direct sunlight. Look and the bride's veil. WOWOWOWOWOW. I even love how the sun kisses both parents. See how the Bride and the parents are separated from the background? Light does that.

The second shot is nice but its the event and the action that makes it so. I would love to be able to set up a huge sun inside the church. Sure would look cool.

Speaking if action - quality can also be judged based on the quality of expression and ability to be in the right place at the right time. Let's go back to our to samples. In the first photo, if Marianna or I wasn't in the exact spot the sun would not be in the right place. Shoot too soon and the bride wouldn't be looking at her mother.

In the second photo the most important event to capture is their expression as and the movement of them leaving. You can see the joy on her face. Funny, you can also see his relief on his face.

But quality doesn't stop there. Actually I believe that we choose to live a life of quality every single day. Here is a great example:

Coffee Time vs Starbucks.

Which one is better quality? I hope you said Starbucks. I love Starbucks!!! (see more about my love of Starbucks click here)

How about this one. Pacific Mall 10$ purse vs Channel or Montreal Canadians vs Toronto Maple Leafs or diamonds!!

Below is the Diamond Clarity Scale. Strange huh. We are so used to absolutes when judging things, yet as far as I'm concerned the Diamond scale is no better than figure skating judges.













Internally Flawless

Very Very Slightly

Very Slightly

Slightly Imperfect


FL (Flawless) - IF (Internally Flawless)
Flawless Diamonds reveal no flaws on the surface or internally are the rarest and most beautiful gems.

Internally Flawless Diamonds reveal no inclusions and only insignificant blemishes on the surface under 10x magnification.

VVS1 - VVS2 (Very, Very Slightly Included)
Very difficult to see inclusions under 10x magnification. These are excellent quality diamonds.

VS1 - VS2 (Very Slightly Included)
Only looking through a 10X loupe can pinpoint the inclusions in this category and are nearly impossible to see with the naked eye. These are less expensive than the VVS1 or VVS2 grades.

SI1 - SI3 (Slightly Included)
Diamonds with inclusions easily identified under 10x magnification. Finding flaws in this category with the naked eye is difficult. The gems in this category maintain their integrity, depending on the location of the inclusions.

I1 - I3 (Included)
Diamonds with inclusions which may or may not be easily seen by the naked eye. The flaws on the stones in this category will have some effect on the brilliance of your diamond.

Anyhow- the point of all this is to help you see that quality in photography is not always just the way a shot looks to you but what went into making it.

This last photo is probably my favorite of the year - yet when I showed it to some guest at the table where I was sitting they didn't like, in fact one women went so far to say that she hated it!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Jean

Look like your blog is a good place to learn a thing or two about photography. Bookmarked ;)

good luck with your stuff !!!
