Friday, June 06, 2008

Early morning.

This morning when getting up we thought it was 7:30 and we were late. So everyone rushed to get dressed, brush teeth etc, only to notice it was 5:30 -aaahhhhhhh back to bed. No sleep.

Anyhow - I love the internet! Around 7 I received an email from a lady in Florida who wanted to purchase a gift certificate as an aniversary present. The idea was that the parents could then bring us their old movies prepaid. What a brilliant idea!!! So it looks like I have to get some gift certificates made.

But to help those who are trying to survive $4 gal gas I will make you a deal. If you purchase a gift certificate for $250 or more - we will include free shipping back to you!

Opps got off track. THe coolest part of this morning was after she emailed. About a minute later I called her on Skype. Clear as day, answered all her questions and hopefully got a sale.

Its a slow economy. That's all I am hearing. But its the companies that give up on service that will fail. We are ALWAYS trying to improve our service. If it possible we want wedding orders done in weeks not months. We want movies transferred in days. We want our customers questions answered in minutes.

You may have noticed the Twitter updates on the right side column for a few weeks. I update this throughout the day and it automatically updates my Facebook status and blog. If you want to follow me join Twitter and you can get email update too. Not that wouldn't be kinda weird. But I do follow a few people. Do that make me weird??

(1990 photo) I am in there some where - near the 30 yard line 3 guy in. I think

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