Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Damn I'm crying again - maybe its menopause

Check out the video. It made me cry like a baby. Isaac came into the room and said. Don't cry papa.


I remember my first time on stage. It was 1997 and I was competing for individual provincials for ODCA.

Anyhow, noone in my division had even qualified for a few years You need to score at least a 70). Everyone in my group tried to tell me I was wasting my time trying but I was stubborn. So I practice and practice - Minuet in G Mozart.

So I went on stage and there was about 200-300 people, about 50 of my friends. I was freaking out nervous right up to the point where the stage manager said your up. At that moment I said to myself - screw it. What the worst that can happen. Just do it.

Got an 88.

That qualified me for the finals competition and two other people behind me (way behind, I think the next person scored a 72). I vaguely remember vodka, a few girls and a yellow school bus before night finals.

I won gold with a 92.

Don;t have any photos. but Ill look.

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