Monday, September 03, 2007

The Secret con't

Two really cool things happened at my wedding yesterday.

The first thing. When I got to the bride's house it was (as expected) an Armenian zoo. About a hundred people all wanting photos with the bride. I love it. My family is pretty tiny. My parent emigrated from Quebec and are solitary people. With most of my relative 500 miles away, we never had big gatherings.

Yesterday within the craziness, I noticed out of the corner of my eye a red box mark Paradis. I'm not much of a drinker but I do love Cognac. To me a good Cognac is a celebration of perfection, history and the scences.

If there was a Wayne Gretsky of Cognac, Paradis would be it. Now there are many differnt levels of Cognac, ranging from VSOP to XO to Imperial. This bottle was the best.

The bride's father had it out in the open and only I mentioned how impressed I was. He bought this bottle in 1979 in preparation for his first daughters wedding. After my wedding (over ten years ago) I bought a bottle of "Louis 13th," as a gift to my father in law. We opened it when Sammy was born.

Anyhow, sharing a shot with the Father of the Bride is one of this years highlights. Took me about an hour since I sipped then savored every drop.

For those who don't know me - no I don't drink a weddings, parties events. But if someone offer were to offer you chance to a) party with Brad Pitt b) drive a brand new Ferrari most people would jump at the chance.

the second cool thing..

Yesterday the reception was held at Le Parc on hwy 7. During the recieving line I climbed on the marble stage behind them bride and groom and took a few photograhs of the bride and groom. Then it hit me. This was the exact spot I stood when I was married over ten years. As I was telling this to the bride a freaky thing happened, I acidentally kicked someone's glass into another cuasing a huge mess.

In a Jewish wedding ceremony the last thing that happens is the groom crushes a glass with his foot.

I broke a glass in the exact same spot 10 years, 2 months before.

freaky huh!!

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