Friday, April 21, 2006

I hate when that happens

Have you ever spent time on something only to have it erased in seconds. It happened to me this morning.

Isaac woke up at 5:30. So after getting him milk, blankie, a banana ever a pillow I turned on his cartoon and got to work on . All was going great. The next section just flowed out of me. After about 30 minutes I decided to save.

Know all our sites are built on a database platform designed in house by Alex Kink. Our brainiac programmer. Actually we have a team of 4 guys that build sites for a number of huge companies like yogen fruz, digital defence, btvplus etc.

So after 30 minutes the system automatically resets to avoid being left open on a desktop with no one around. I lost all my work.

The lesson I learned in high school computer class is haunting me right now


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