Saturday, April 29, 2006

I love Starbucks and but suddenly not as much as I used to.

Everyone knows I love my Starbucks coffee. In fact I loved it so much that I am now on a Starbucks reduced diet.

I have reduced my 10$ a day habit down to 4$ a week. It was just getting too much. Not just the money. But each day I would stop at the local Starbucks, flirt with the baristas and waste about 10-15 minutes 2 times a day.

According to my calculations

10$ a day 7 days a week = 70$ a week

$3650 a year -

109500$ after 30 years.

If I was able to invest the 10$ a day for 34 years and get an average of 10% return I would save.

Get this !!!!

Total saved: $1,003,286

Starting with $0 and depositing $3,650 annually over 34 years and 1 months (at a rate of return 10% compounded monthly), you will save $1,003,286.
Initial balance:$0
Total deposits:$124,100
Total interest earned:$879,186
Total taxes paid:$0

Now lets calculate how much my time is worth.

If I was making 20$ an hour (I'm definately not)

30 mins at 20$ an hour = $10 an hour a day in lost wages.

How much was my 2 coffees a day costing me in time?

Same as above -$1,003,286

sort of.

That is assuming I make 10$ an hour
That is assuimg that I do not become a better business person and increase my ability to make money
That is assuming that my net worth increases at the same interval as the 10% return as above.

Thanks to David Bach - for the inspiration to change.

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