Friday, September 08, 2006

OOppps - forgot to publish previous post.

If it seems wierd that the last post was published so close to this one its because I forgot to publish it right after.

Today we had the first of 3 huge bridal shows. Wow what a night. Very very busy - most brides for 2007 and 2008.

Hey guys ---- Here is my most wanted date!!!

May 26 2007

If you are getting married that day - give a call you are the last date we hav in May 2007!!

The past 2 weeks I've been all over Ontario, Quebec and New York. I've gain 3 lbs and I'm pissed. Yea I know I sound like a (what is the politally correct way of saying girl without offending girls?) but I've been on the South Beach diet for 6 weeks and have lots almost 20 pounds.

I decided my reward for reaching 217.50. - A 2 litre of Coke - the real stuff. I am looking forward so getting back into a routine. Get up, play with the kids, go to the gym, then go to the studio. I miss it. I will likely be more productive too.

I plan to write more often so check back soon. On Monday I will upload links to several new presentations that are way overdo.

It's almost midnight and I gotta shoot tomorrow so nighty night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Go to bed - you probably have to wake up early and capture some lucky couple.
I on the other hand - just woke up from a nap. It's 1:33a.m. - And I am going fishing ( for Walleye )

In my backyard no less.

Your Bro - Dan.