Monday, January 08, 2007

It's Monday

Kids are finally back in school. Wow.

Of course I love my kids. But, 3 weeks of closeness is a little much. One starts fighting with the other, then Marianna yells at them, soon I try to be the big boss and find myself the target of all 3 of their "affection"

We're in the middle of a very interesting time. Its January and I can;t remember when it snowed last. On the way back from the show last night, they were saying on the radio that its going to continue to be warm, unusually warm for the entire winter. I've never heard so many people wish for snow! Dont know about you but I'm getting freaked out. Global warming is real.


To all those new brides and grooms visiting my blog let me tell you a little about what the heck is going on. This blog is way that I am in constant contact with all my couples. You can subscribe on the left panel by putting your email address. That way when ever I post a new article you will receive an email immediately.

You could also use an rss reader (I suggest google reader!! I am addicted to all things google if you didnt know)

Also, I'm pretty careful about spelling and puctuation, but not that worried. I am usually writing in the middle of the night or first thing in the morning and if something bothers you enough email me the "correction" and I will fix it.

Ya the kids are in school!!!

Here is this months work schedule, per hour.


Up at 6:15
With the kids until 8:30
Gym 8:45 to 9:45
Studio 10-3:45 -- I can usually meet people anytime during the day - call Marianna first
pick up kids go home 4-5:45 - I wont be available ever so dont bug Marianna she wont do because of me.
Studio 6-11pm - By appointment only - usually 2 week sometimes 3 weeks in advance.

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