Saturday, April 07, 2007

Being on a diet is hard

Yesterday was by far the most difficult day so far. We went to see the new childrens movie Meet the Robinsons

So picture this ( not a pun since a) I'm a photographer and b) in a movie theatre) We are in the front row and Sammy has a huge bag of popcorn. Isaac is eating a bag of skittles and Marianna nachos.

I'm sitting looking at them, drooling. I've got my power bar and a pear. And the popcorn smells soooooo good. Seriously it was like a drug. I kept thinking only one hand full - no you idiot you can;t, but only one, NOOO, YESSS,NOOO.

Anywways when the movie started it got a little easier.

We finally have telephone connection in Florida and the systems were running, until they went offline. The problem is if there is a power outage for even a second, we loose connection and James has to go in to restart the computer. But we are up and running - well walking.

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