Monday, April 23, 2007

What a day!

What a crazy day. It started with phone call after phone call. I hate the phone see this old post for more info.

Then I had a couple a really fun photo shoots. Then ran back to deal with taxes. Finally I had to go do 2 more shoots and they got winded out. Not rain but a huge wind storm that nearly blew by bride away. So I go and pick up the kids and on the way back my rental died. You see my baby (Jaguar s type) had to go back into the shop for the second time, not cool and the rental died in the middle of traffic on Dufferin. Sammy was passed out taking a nap and Isaac had to go pee. Not cool.

In the end 2 hours later Marianna came and saved the day, Alex picked up all the stuff that was packed in the car with Vitali and I got a new rental.

I need a vacation. Only 38 days to go.

You may have noticed a new link

My List of Books and Toys

Click Here

Its a pretty cool concept from Amazon. I list all my favorite books and toys on their site. If you end up buying anything while you are browsing, I get a commission. Pretty cool huh. So I really need a new watch everyone buy 1000 books each. Click here to see the watch of my dreams.

There is something new coming soon and it will knock your socks off!!I don't want to say more until its done but so far way cool@!

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