Friday, November 23, 2007

Fun memories - Bad happenings

There are lot funny events at weddings. Here are few that may not be funny if it was your wedding but I had hold back at the time.

  • the wedding singer who cannot sing. Seriously, you need to actually test them out BEFORE the wedding. I can count at least 40 who were soooooo bad that people were laughing. I love it when they reach for a note and just miss, but keep trying!!!!
  • the bridesmaids dress is too small. OK I was overweight. I new not to wear a tank top - especially tucked in. I still think I couldnt carry it off. So why do bridesmaids continually make the dress too small - then freak out when the dress explodes under stress?
  • the freak out! Bride and Groom are married 30 minutes and the Bride or Groom go ape on the other over - missing button, pulled hair, dirty limo, mother in law, cake, whatever.
  • freezing bridesmaid - ok its -20 in December didnt anyone think they might need to bring jackets to the park? So I love it when the guys act all cool and give the girls jackets - then 2 minutes later regret it but can't say anything. I can read their minds - "Damn that was dumb, why the hell did I do that?"
  • bridal party love - there is always one groomsmen that thinks he is a stud. But at the end of the night he is drunk and sitting by himself at the head table talking to himself. At my brothers wedding that was almost me, but I kept hitting on the gorgeous photographer (Marianna) until she gave me her number.

Be very afraid!!!! Seriously. The police are freaking out and using Taser guns without though. Here a guy got hit just for refusing to sign a ticket. This happened in Utah - but guess what? The same thing happened in Vancouver, and the guy died!!

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