Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Weak. Marianna is watching me

I've been banned from the computer. I feel as weak as a kitty. Meow. I have ton of work to do but the doctor and Marianna have prescribed bed rest. Going to the doctor in Canada for the first time in years was unbelievable. I got there at 9:30, a full 30 minutes before they open. Can you believe there was 4 people ahead of me in line. The place was clean, the secretary s we not very friendly at all, sort like they there to move the cattle.

Then I waited. And waited, almost 2 hours. I told the doctor whats wrong but he starts asking about what I do. So I tell him about Excellence Photography and TorontoHomeMovies.com. Well he gets real interested and for 10 minutes asks me tons of questions about converting old movies and slides, completely forgetting I am sick and seeing him. So I give him a card and he finally tells me I have a viral infection brought on by exhaustion.

So last night I was trying to figure out what is different this year compared to other years. I came up with a) I am dieting all the time - this wont stop I will not gain anymore and in fact am trying to get below 200 for the first time in 15 years. b) I am working out daily - again this is I believe going to help me live an additional 20 years in comfort.

So I need to hire more help. Look for new people in the studio this month. Well as soon as I'm let out of my cage.


Anonymous said...

First of all I love the new look of your blog!
Secondly, you better take care of yourself...my mom had the same thing and of course she didn't listen to the doctor. The nest thing that happend was she got something called Vertigo and was completely off her feet for two wks.....Take care of yourself!


DGgroup said...

thanks. I'm drinking enough fluids to sink a ship. The biggest problem is am always tired. I usually work from 7am to 1am 6 days a week, but now I can barely stay awake for more than 3 hours.