Friday, March 23, 2007

The problem with no sleep

I read a lot. Usually 4-5 books a week. I love everything. Action, romance, mysteries and especially business books. Oh I've been meaning to pick up a book on Freud (dont ask)But if I write it here then the next time I walk into a book stroe I will likely remember that I wanted to read a book about him.

The problem is that well it gets expensive, and I get bored easily. I try not to read more than 3 books at a time. Right now I'm reading a book about the 3rd bottom line, basically ecological business practice, also I'm reading the latest developments on Photoshop CS3 the upgraded verson, a romance novel (dont ask) and a really great book by the found of Body by Jake - Jake Steinfeld. That book is so good that I read a chapter then think about it for a day or two then go back to it.

I sometime reread my favorites. I have read David Eddings Fantasy novels - about 25 books in total - probably 7 times from book one to 25.

Just got a new blackberry - it a nokia e62 phone with blackberry connect service. The cool thing about it is that it has a built in Mp3 player. It also handles 2 gig miniSD cards. So I've loaded up my 3 favorite business speakers, David Maister, Brian Tracy and Bradford Rowley and I listen to their podcasts as I work and drive.'

Life is cool

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