Monday, August 20, 2007

Bye bye Harry. Wow I'm a geek

I finished the last Harry Potter book late last night. I actually stayed up until 2am reading to finish the book. I've got so little free time that I cherish what I call "me time"

I'm really a little depressed. I bet someone has a name for the feeling you get when you say goodbye to a series of novels. It's not just that you finished the book(s). You are saying goodbye to all the wonderful characters in the books. Its the same with movies series. When the last Matrix movies came out or the last Star Wars movie it was the same. But in this case I'm feeling it way more.

Post tramatic evolutio - I'm making this up, but it sounds right.
latin word for reading a scroll evolutio : unrolling and reading of a scroll, reading of a book.

I dont have my all my book available to update my reading list. Basically finished all but Blink. I bought a bunch, need a new set of pleasure books.

I read 2 types of books.

Self Improvement - Business, Photography, Investment, Mind expanding self motivation, Videography, web development, weight control, Food, etc

Pleasure Reading - Fantasy, romance, spy, action all types of Fiction. Stuff that really makes me happy.


We are out of the country next week from Sunday-Thursday. If you need to reach Marianna or me email!!

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