Thursday, May 17, 2007

I love old people

Since I started, and I have come to appreciate my life so much more than when I was a kid. I just had this incredible conversation with a customer who is nearing the end of his days. Family is all gone and in his words all he has is his memories. ( I excused myself at that second and told him I had to answer a question in the back cause my eyes started to water and I didnt want to look like a suckie baby)

Anyhow, he has 4000 slides and negatives that he wants transfered to digital and of course thats what we do. I know I will immediately the second I go home, grab Marianna by the hand and kiss her, then chase the kids into the living room and pretend to eat their bellies until the scream for me to stop, because this is life. Right now today! Don't waste a moment.

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