Thursday, May 17, 2007

The power of digital

Everyday I thank my lucky stars ( What a weird saying!) that we are in a digital world. At university I had the class called art history. It has taken nearly a decade for me to be able to truly become the artist I had hoped to be when I was learning about Rembrant, Picasso and Jackson Pollack.

We now have all the control in the world, just like a painter we can decide where our art takes us. And we are lucky enough to get paid for it.

If I have not said it before, I thank you all my couples for allowing me to be a part of your special day. For trusting us to complete your vision and letting us into your world (briefly).

Yesterday I was laughing so hard I almost peed my pants. I love technology. Using my new laptop (finally!!!) I hooked into the office computer in Florida. While talking on our voip phone, over the internet (free long distance) I was able to work with James for over an hour.

So whatever I did on my laptop I control the office computer in Boca Raton. I'm setting this up everywhere so that I can log into any computer on our network in Toronto, Florida and soon to be ....... (its a secret)

We are putting the finishing touches to the website. If you check it out you can see the colors have changed, we have made a new logo, tons of features for existing customers. This is my prototype for the new 2008-2009 Excellence Photography site. I gots plans.

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